Teal background with squiggle lines and shapes. Geometric image in nature.

Student Honor Code

Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP)

We expect all students to complete the test to the best of their ability. Students are expected to follow all teacher directions and guidelines for testing and be respectful of themselves and others before, during, and after testing. We must demonstrate responsible and ethical practices in order to maintain test security and test score integrity.

Prohibited behaviors include but are not limited to the following:

  • Using personal electronics to capture test items or responses (phone, iPad, smartwatches, gaming devices, etc.) Such devices should not be in student possession during testing.

  • Causing disruptions or distractions during testing

  • Providing help or accepting assistance from other students, which includes copying answers, using prearranged signals to provide answers, sharing used scratch paper, etc.

  • Discussing test items or responses with students who have not yet tested

  • Retaining scratch paper, sharing test tickets, or keeping test tickets or any testing materials after testing has concluded.

The Honor Code is to be reviewed with all students prior to the first day of testing.