1) Minutes & Updates
a. Today’s Agenda: review and approve
b. Minutes: review and approve minutes from September 24, 2020, meeting
2) Discussion and Action Items
a. TQ Course Report – ASCD courses, Virtual Teaching courses
b. TQ Budget Update 2020-2021
c. Iowa Core Budget Update 2020-2021
3) Schedule Next Meeting
Minutes – Draft
Our Mission: The Sioux City Community School District exists to educate students to believe in their talents and skills, achieve academic excellence and succeed in reaching their potential.
Facilitator: Heidi Anthony
Recorder: Katie Benson The Teacher Quality Committee (TQC) met on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, in the ESC board room. Copies of the agenda, September 24, 2020 minutes, TQ Course Report- ASCD courses, Virtual Teaching Courses, TQ Budget Update 2020-2021, Iowa Core Budget Update 2020-2021, and Curriculum Cycle Stages were available for distribution.
Committee Members Present: Crista Limoges, Deb Padomek, Kathy Sandoz, Jolynn Meier, Stacie Henderson, Janelle Poulson, Terry Gardner, Kris Snavely, Emily Lloyd, Julie Thiele, and Angela Holcomb.
Guests: Synthia Edwards.
1) Minutes & Updates
a. Today’s Agenda: review and approve-Kathy moved and Terry seconded the motion to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
b. Minutes: review and approve-Julie moved and Jolynn seconded the motion to approve September 24, 2020, minutes as presented. Motion carried.
2) Discussion and Action Items
a. TQ Course Report- ASCD courses, Virtual Teaching Courses
Results show the second-highest participation number (756 complete) since beginning in 2015-16. Sixty total participants did not finish, compared to forty-six from the previous year. Ten of the sixty individuals emailed they were withdrawing from the course.
Inquiry of why the total number completed (756) and total number paid (754) did not match up. Two administrators participated and do not receive pay.
Suggestion to add the total percentage of participants per level (ie percent of elementary, MS, and HS individuals participating) next year. Heidi agreed to note this in the minutes.
Discussion that the total participation in the course is high with about 1,000 teachers in the district.
Discussion that the variety of courses met teachers’ learning needs.
Kathy moved and Deb second the motion to approve the TQ Course Report- ASCD courses, Virtual Teaching Courses. Motion carried.
b. TQ Budget Update 2020-2021
Inquiry about the ASCD purchase amount. The purchase method changed in 2018-19 from per course to a districtwide license, which is a lower cost with more learning resources. The price increased for 2020-2021 due to the pandemic and demand. We are guaranteed this price for the next two years.
Discussion about August Collaboration Day returning for 2021-2022.
August Collaboration Day is paid per diem. Crista suggested a half-day instead of a full day.
TQ Committee does not have enough carryover funds to decide to have an August
Collaboration Day this year. CHAMPS used much of the carry-over last summer.
No TQ funds for CHAMPS planned.
Kathy moved and Jolynn second the motion to approve the TQ Budget Update 2020-2021. Motion carried.
c. Iowa Core Budget Update 2020-2021
Future Ready June dates moved from 5 to 3.5 days and only 18 teachers this year.
This year all Future Ready teams are elementary- concerned about middle school and high school.
Kris noted the committee will not support using funds for Future-Ready without data on the impact of Future Ready in the future. A program review was scheduled for this year but delayed.
Julie moved and Stacie seconded the motion to approve the Iowa Core Budget Update 2020-2021
3) Next meeting date, Wednesday, September 29, 2021, 8:00-10:00 AM. ESC-TBD. Janelle moved and Kathy seconded the motion to adjourn. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Katie Benson, Recorder