a. Minutes & Updates
a. Today’s Agenda: review and approve
b. Minutes: review and approve minutes from May 20, 2020, meeting
b. Discussion and Action Items
a. 2019-20 and 2020-21 TQ and Iowa Core Budgets, including CHAMPS
b. ASCD Courses via Activate 2020-2021
c. Schedule next meeting
Our Mission: The Sioux City Community School District exists to educate students to believe in their talents and skills, achieve academic excellence and succeed in reaching their potential.
Facilitator: Heidi Anthony
Recorder: Gloria James The Teacher Quality Committee (TQC) met on Thursday, September 24, in the ESC board room. Copies of the agenda, May 20, 2020 minutes, ASCD courses information, Iowa Core comparison budget, and TQ comparison budget were available for distribution.
Committee Members Present: Terry Gardner, Stacie Henderson, Jolynn Meier, Catherine Moseman, Kristine Snavely, Kathy Sandoz, Deb Padomek, Brian Burnight, Julie Thiele, and Angela Holcomb.
Guests: Synthia Edwards.
1) Minutes & Updates
a. Today’s Agenda: review and approve-Julie moved and Kathy seconded the motion to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
b. Minutes: review and approve-Julie moved and Jolynn seconded the motion to approve May 20, 2020, minutes as presented. Motion carried.
2) Discussion and Action Items
a. 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 TQ and Iowa Core budgets, including CHAMPS.
Books purchased for the CHAMPS training were funded via Title IV for general education teachers and special education for special education teachers.
Most curriculum work for the 2020-2021 school year has been delayed due to sub shortages.
Kristine Snavely requested data on FutureReady be presented since such a large percentage of the IA Core budget is allocated to this program.
The line items of the budgets may be modified as data becomes available.
Cat moved and Kathy seconded the motion to approve the TQ comparison budget and the Iowa Core comparison budget. Motion carried.
b. ASCD courses via Activate 2020-2021.
Start date-Heidi will communicate with teachers initially on October 12, 2020. Sign-up will close at 5 PM on October 23, 2020. Course begins November 2. Deadline for completion is February 21, 2021, by 11:59 PM to be paid on March 15, 2021.
License renewal credit is available; $25 paid on your own.
Sixteen ASCD courses were presented; the committee members deleted eight, leaving ten (or twelve, if the district virtual courses can be added by November 1). Deleted courses this year could be offered next year.
Discussion included the possibility of creating two district online courses; one for elementary and one for secondary focused on virtual instruction. Experiences of virtual teachers could be included.
As always, time and effort are factors; creating quality courses takes time.
The courses might be able to be offered in the spring if they cannot be developed well by November 1; families need training as well, but not from IA Core or TQ funds.
Cat moved and Angie seconded the provisions discussed regarding the ASCD courses. Motion carried.
3) Next meeting date, April 14, 2021, 8-10:00 AM. ESC-TBD. Kathy moved and Stacie seconded the
motion to adjourn. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Gloria James, Recorder