You could be the creator of the unique construction of someone’s home, a new business venture, or the next skyscraper. What future will you build?
Pathway Description
The construction and home building pathway teaches students about the construction trade through hands-on experience in site development, blueprint reading, carpentry framing, siding work, trim work, and roofing. Emphasis is on personal safety; proper use of hand, power, and pneumatic tools; basic carpentry terminology; and teamwork in the completed project. Students will learn basic carpentry skills, while exploring the building trade as a possible career.
Key Competencies
Develop comfort using power tools.
Understand differences in wood and wood products.
Become a craftsman in framing, drywall, and wall covering.
Provided a direct-link to local construction projects.
View the High School Course Guide for an in-depth look at the courses outlined below.
High School Credits:
9000 Industrial Arts Technology (2)
9004 Woodworking Technology (2)
9008 Introduction to Construction Shop (2)
9G18A Basic Framing Techniques (2)
9GA4B Intro to Drywall (1)
9GA6B Wall Coverings and Coatings (1)
Total College Credits: 6.5
Annual National Average Salary for General Construction Worker: $35,750
Career Opportunities
Entry-Level Carpenter
Commercial Carpenter
Site Foreman
Construction Company Owner
Construction Superintendent