Happy Friday! We have two more "Meet the Interns" that we'd love to share with you. On this lovely Friday may we introduce you to Bella Rogers & Damian Vazquez!
7 months ago, Sioux City Career Academy
Bella Rogers
Damian Vazquez
Auto Body I students are learning their paint gun skills!
7 months ago, Sioux City Career Academy
paint gun
paint gun
end product
First two windows in on the Habitat for Humanity house. Big day at the Trades Building!
7 months ago, Sioux City Career Academy
window 1
Window 1
Window 2
Today on Meet the Intern, we highlight our bright, shining, fashion star... Chloie Roupe!
7 months ago, Sioux City Career Academy
Chloie Roupe
Meet the Intern! Today's highlight: Melany Lemus!
8 months ago, Sioux City Career Academy
Melany Lemus
Welcome to our new series, "Meet the Intern"! This series will highlight our wonderful internship students, their current internships, and other fun facts about these students. Today, Aubrey Koch and Medhani Negasi!
8 months ago, Sioux City Career Academy
Aubrey Koch
Medhani Negasi
Hanging soffit!
8 months ago, Sioux City Career Academy
Habitat for Humanity soffit
Senior students hanging soffit
Today we hosted our "Little" at the Career Academy for our end of the year Holiday Party! Our "Bigs" have been enriched by this experience!
8 months ago, Sioux City Career Academy
Little Bigs Party
Little Bigs Holiday Party
A part of your Career Academy team had a thankful morning meeting this morning. We came to the conclusion that we are thankful for YOU! Happy Thanksgiving one and all!
8 months ago, Sioux City Career Academy
Thankful morning meeting
It's sewing day!! Amanda Bowers is here teaching our students how to out their skills in action.
9 months ago, Sioux City Career Academy
sewing tables
Our AFJROTC students have been keeping vigil over the Sgt. Floyd Monument since 12 pm today. Now, at midnight, they are completing their vigil. So grateful for our Veterans that give everything. Very proud of these students who honor them.
9 months ago, Sioux City Career Academy
students service
students service
student service
Our AFJROTC students have been keeping vigil over the Sgt. Floyd Monument since 12 pm today. So grateful for our Veterans that give everything. Very proud of these students who honor them.
9 months ago, Sioux City Career Academy
students service
students service
student service
Our Habitat house at the Trades Building is coming along! Oftentimes you will see studs in new builds decorated with the mark of the builders. Our students are leaving positive messages and good vibes for the family getting this house!
9 months ago, Sioux City Career Academy
messages on studs
habitat house
more messages
Silicon bronze metal welding from our College Now students. They have been producing some seriously cool's stuff!
9 months ago, Sioux City Career Academy
Sheet metal welding 1
Sheet metal welding 2
Sheet metal welding 3
Students in Mr. Gardners Industrial Arts Technology class are demonstrating their skills by constructing some Tic-Tax-Toe boards. #PBLinaction
9 months ago, Sioux City Career Academy
students in IA TECH
Students in IA Tech
Students in IA Tech
Students in IA Tech
Happening today! Our Grand Opening of the HOSA Student Store! This student led program is fundraising for their student organization. Today just happens to be National Sandwich day so we're selling some sandwiches!
9 months ago, Sioux City Career Academy
selling sandwiches
store menu
Our 2nd addition of Fridays are for 5th Graders with our friends from Morningside Elementary School. Thank you to Meier Towing for bringing their coolest equipment to show off to our 5th graders!
9 months ago, Sioux City Career Academy
Meier Towing
Meier Towing
Trades students learning about concrete foundations. Thank you to our partners from LiteForm for their donation of materials, time, and expertise!
9 months ago, Sioux City Career Academy
LiteForm demo
Thank you for "subbing" for us today Mr. Washington!
9 months ago, Sioux City Career Academy
George Washington
One of our wonderful substitute teachers, Carol Berzina brought up Micah, a therapy dog in training. Micah got to hang out with some of our educations students and learn about the process. Wonderful experience for all!
9 months ago, Sioux City Career Academy
Ms. Berzani with Micah.